
How Music And Playing Guitar Have Helped Me In My Life

For first, I must say that this is a totally real story; my story. It happened a time ago, but it is still beating in my life, but now with a smile in my face. I'll start in the point where everything happened:
When I was 14 years old I had a musical taste based on punkrock (which my folks didn't like I must say), with Rise Against in the top of it. I really liked their songs, not in the usual way of "hey, it like this, it's cool", no; the lyrics, the sound and the rhythm easily entered inside of me. In these times I just had a very little idea of music (do re mi etc.) but when I was listening to the music, something strange used to happen to me; I could feel the guitar's bass' and drums sound in a special way. So one day while listening to "Heaven Knows" (by Rise Against) I decided that I wanted to start playing electric guitar. At first my parents feel quite happy but I could see that they would have preferred I liked more quiet and acoustic songs... But I didn't mind. My neighbor borrowed me an acoustic guitar for my begginings, and I started going to music lessons in an academy. There for first I learnt the basic chords and some rhythm from songs such as "Hey Joe", "All Along The Watchover" or "Zombie". After a month my cousin gave me his old Strat-sembled electric guitar and a little 2watt amp. Passing from an acoustic to an electric was great! Now I could feel like my heroes! And also my teacher said I was improving my skills.
It all seemed great, but the truth was that I had too much time to practice... My family members weren't at home all the time I needed, and my friends; yes, the friends I had had for years, weren't so near to me as before. I used to think the problem were the new girls who have entered into the friends group, but all still was more or less ok.
The summer arrived and it was gone too fast. I didn't have a lot of time, and the time I had I spent in improving my skills, learning to play the songs I liked and also looking for a brand new guitar in the internet because I started to realize that my teacher was right when he said that my Chinese Strat was "the worst guitar he had ever used". So by the end of the summer I could play some easy solos and my best friends and I were as we were before. And in the last day of holidays, my parents bought me the guitar I wanted; an Ibanez RG 350DX.
And I was at school again, it all seemed well among us but... Bit a bit, also that hateful girls I talked about before and a guy who (I don't know why) hates me were also among us and... Bullying started.
That guy and some more were practicing that against me and that girls made my friends don't help me and abandon me, and when I came home from school, I didn't want to tell anything because all the psychological pain would re-appear.
Luckily, I had the key to my personal paradise in my room, in this paradise all I had were my mobile phone with the songs of my favorite bands, my lovely shiny guitar (I felt in love with her and I still am) and the amp. It was all I had and all I needed to be happy, no pain, no hateful people, no sadness, all was music. Some ordered sounds which can help you and change your life.
But I arrived to a point where there were no more forces to go on, because the situation was going worse. Yes, I?m talking about thinking about suicide, what ironically thing; finishing my life just in the same way as the protagonist of Heaven Knows, the song which encouraged me to started playing.
But don?t be sad, because the best things are in the way, and they came all together. A new shiny summer was coming; my parents knew all the trouble and know the hateful haters were in a big trouble. It could be better? Yes! My marks and all my guitar skills had improved a lot, I had a new Peavey amp and my friends and I were as before because they apologized and now that girls and that haters are far far away (and I don?t care about where are them now). And my fate was becoming even better because? girls now were interested in me, what a surprising idea for me!
Now I?m 17 years old, the beginning of the end of this summer is here, but life now smiles at me. I?m still with my friends, sometimes we have really good afternoons and other times I?d like to kill?em (they don?t want to date with me because of their laziness but if a girl tells them to date they don?t refuse, for example). I?m really happy with my love life, I have a great family and a great future. As you can imagine I still have bad days (as all the people) but the people and things I love are with me.
Well, this is the story of my life and my bad times and how music helped me. To finish this article, I want to render thanks to the music in general, this website and all the people who selflessly helped guitar rookies as I was, my favorite bands, Rise Against specially, and of course, my family.
BTW, if you are wondering which my favorite bands are, here they are:
Bad Religion
The Bouncing Souls
Bullet For My Valentine
A Day To Remember
The Distillers
Flogging Molly
Funeral For A Friend
Green Day
My Chemical Romance
The Offspring
Rise Against
System Of A Down
The Unseen

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